01 I Direttori del Corso, introducono il Master of Arts in Design del Prodotto AA 2009/2010

time 5:21

Starting from the contemporary vision of design intended as a multidiscipline, the two-year
degree in Product Design focuses on user centric dynamics that investigate real man-man, manobject,
man-space and man-service interactions, through the practice of daily life activities.

It aims to help students to become design professionals capable of offering a high level of
cultural flexibility and excellent decision-making ability, and to choose and develop complex
systems related to spaces, products, and services. Students also are taught to understand that
products are expressions of a wider corporate vision that includes all the modalities a company
uses to communicate and represent itself. The program trains designers to have the flexibility
and open-mindedness needed to analyze complex processes and find opportunities, in order to
create effective solutions to the issues presented by the current market.

Learning Outcomes and Career Opportunities
Graduates from our Product Design degree are qualified to become young designers who can
design and implement complex systems and services tied to spaces, products, and their process.
In particular, they are capable of interpreting insights and opportunities, carry out in-depth and
quick researches, represent and map complex concepts, prepare briefs, manage design teams,
work on a brand, design events, and set up spaces. They are able to develop highly flexible
approaches, with strong problem-solving skills, thanks to the disposition developed towards
innovative, and often invisible, design opportunities with a high added value for clients and
companies. Our graduates become professional product and space designers, project managers,
brand managers, information designers, and design system managers.
